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10 use cases of WhatsApp business chatbot

Table of Contents

1. Send Broadcast Messages

Send out marketing campaigns, discounts, and festive offers to your customers

2. Automate Notifications

Integrate with systems to send automated updates like order confirmations and shipping alerts.

3. Reduce Abandoned Carts:

Remind customers of items in their cart to encourage completion of purchases.

4. Application Process Streamlining:

Automate reminders to reduce drop-offs during application processes

5. Lower Return-to-Origin (RTO) Losses:

Use chatbots to confirm cash-on-delivery orders and reduce returns

6. Real-time Feedback Collection

Gather immediate customer feedback on products and services

7. Order and Delivery Updates: Provide real-time information on order status and delivery schedules

8. Order Confirmation and Upselling: Confirm orders and suggest additional products to increase sales

9. Interactive Quick Reply Buttons: Enhance user interaction with quick reply options for common queries.

10. Smart Product Details: Share detailed product information with smart buttons for an interactive experience.

To learn more Chat with us : https://wa.me/97142869911?text=Hello

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